As a recruiting firm, our incoming calls from prospective applicants can take all sorts of directions:

“I’ve never done this before, what’s the process?”

“I’m responding to your ad…. (insert job here)”

“I just need a job! “

And, every now again, we hear: “Why should I waste my time applying with you?”

We hear you. In our current “digital age” most advertising, recruiting, and job applications take place online. While job-seeking, you could be sending out 10-15 applications each day hoping for a return phone call. With thousands of potential jobs at your fingertips (thanks, internet!) WHY should you take an hour (or more) of your time to come into our office, fill out paperwork, and interview with us?

I am so glad you asked.

Consider the process of online job-seeking: you browse openings, read job descriptions, decide whether you are qualified, research the company, and then decide to submit your resume. From that point, you could be waiting weeks for a return phone call requesting an interview. When you register with us, we take the time to discuss your preferences, skills, and other details so that we do the “job matching” for you. When you apply in our office, you won’t be applying for just one job. After our application and interview process, you will continue to be considered for multiple jobs, from multiple companies, for as long as you maintain active status with us.

Give us an hour of your time and you have the potential to pass through the first (and sometimes the second) hiring stages for a number of reputable companies that partner with APS to assist with the beginning phases of their hiring process!

So, what are you waiting for? Submit your resume online or give our office a call!

We look forward to meeting you.

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