Your resume is your first line of defense on the quest for a new job. Before hitting send, you should do everything you can to make your resume stand out. Even if your work experience is perfect, a sub par resume could sink your chances of getting a job interview. But if you combine relevant experience with and effective resume, you’ll sail right into the interview stage.
Whether you’re planning for growth, charting your career path, or considering a career change, these resume writing tips are timely advice you need to hear:
Remove Old Content:
To keep your resume concise and well aligned with your current ambitions, delete older information, like your high school diploma and GPAs. Remove resume elements that are now considered obsolete like the objective statement and reference section.
Highlight your accomplishments rather than your responsibilities:
Think about the mark you left on each company. What specific measurable results were accomplished because you were in that position and not somebody else? You have to remember, past performance indicates future performance. When you highlight past areas of success, you’ll show the recruiter that you’ll be similarly successful in the future.
Tailor your resume to each new job:
Research the company you plan to apply to and read the job description closely. Figure out exactly what the organization is looking for, and then reflect those qualifications in your resume.
Revise your resume’s look and feel:
Take the opportunity to refresh the style and layout of your resume. You ultimately want it to visually reflect where you are in your career. Just make sure to keep everything simple.
Once your resume is polished and finalized, it should help you get more callbacks, interviews, and job offers.
Looking for more career or hiring advice? Contact Affinity Personnel Solutions in Buffalo, NY! We are a full-service employment agency specializing in being HUMAN and helping others find a position that fits their lifestyle.
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