Should You Follow Up After Applying for a Job?

You’re sure your administrative resume was impressive; your cover letter was engaging, and you are well-qualified for the job. And, yet you have not heard anything from the company since you applied. Do you know how to follow up on a job application? It’s definitely worth sending a follow-up email or calling the company directly…. Read more »

3 ways to be a valuable employee

It is a conversation had by employers and hiring managers all over: It is difficult to find good people these days. With the “skills gap” growing larger and larger for manufacturing and skilled trades, employers are considering less-than-qualified candidates for general and managerial roles. How do you get in on that action if you’re one… Read more »

Should You Work While Attending College?

Today’s college graduates are in a pickle: they need a job to gain experience but they also need experience to get the job! While education and internships are helpful, they often don’t compare to real world work experience from an employer’s perspective.  Working through college can help with this problem, while earning some money! Here’s… Read more »

How to answer: “Why do you want to work here?”

Why do you want to work here? It’s a common interview question, but also one that can be challenging to answer, especially when you try to wing it. Not preparing a solid response to this question is risky because it could make all the difference in whether a potential employer extends a job offer to… Read more »

Finding a Job While Already Employed

Unemployment is at a 50 year low across the country (See the full statistics at This means that the people that employers are looking for (you!) are most likely already working. Finding a job can sometimes feel like a full time job in itself, making it hard to juggle around already working. With a… Read more »

Tips to Handle a Difficult Co-Worker

Work will always be work, but it’s a heck of a lot better If you can find something that you enjoy doing. If you can find a job that you like doing AND you have great coworkers, you’ve hit the jackpot!  Let’s face it, there’s almost always going to be at least one coworker that… Read more »

Join the Rising Tide: Safety in the Workplace

The facts are in: it simply isn’t enough to give basic safety tips during a new hire’s onboarding process. Companies are getting wiser: safety training is strongly suggested  the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) AND it is systematically proven to have a positive influence on workplace injury occurrences. A systematic review of the effectiveness of… Read more »